Setup Autofill

Guide on how to setup Autofill in Resell Companion.

Brief Summary

Autofill in Resell Companion acts completely different than in a regular instance. Not only does Autofill completely fill in your information, but Resell Companion attempts to pass through all unnecessary steps in order to have the fastest manual checkout method possible.

First, click the Gear icon at the Top-Left of Resell Companion to go to the Settings page.

Second, click Setup in the Connected Bots row.

Third, click anywhere in the Bots area to expand the menu and see all of the current bot options.

Fourth, click Autofill in the left menu.

Fifth, click Setup in the Autofill area.

Sixth, fill in ALL of the fields in the Autofill Setup area.

Fantastic! Now, whenever you setup a Task or click on a size in the Monitors page, your information will be automatically filled in!

Last updated